Kdo jsme

Parta lidí z obou stran Atlantiku, která si váží přátelství s mladými lidmi a je ochotna se dělit jak o znalost angličtiny tak i životní zkušenosti s druhými. Níže nalezneš jméná a profese lektorů pro English Camp 2020:

Douglas Callinan

7th-grade science teacher finishing his 27th year of teaching

Dayton, Ohio

Tyson Brown

Teacher at Word Well Workshop

Seattle, Washington

Tyson Brown is a credentialed teacher with 18 years of experience teaching children and adults. She hastaught English and writing in the United States and in Czech Republic to English language learners andnative speakers.

Chirsty & Anna & Katryna Potter

Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft

University Students

Seattle, Washington

Lucie Keithley

Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula

Kansas City, Missouri

Scout Brown

High School Student

Seattle, Washington

Rachel Mills

Dental Assistant

Cincinnati, Ohio

A doufáme, že další lektory ješte doplníme..